
Health Services

Empowering Kilifi Together: Nurturing Growth, Building Sustainable Futures

Department of Health Services

Sector consists of health, Research and Development sub-sectors.
The vision for this sector is an efficient and high quality health care system that is accessible,
equitable and affordable for every Kenyan.

The mission is to promote and participate in the provision of integrated and high quality promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care services to all Kenyans.

Sector Objectives

  • Kenya Expanded programme on Immunization (KEPI);
  • Malaria Control;
  • Integrated Management of Childhood illness ;
  • Reproductive Health Programme;
  • NutritionProgramme;
  • Promotive health.


Community Units Dispensaries & Health Centres Sub County Hospitals
Halt, And Reverse The Rising Burden Of Non Communicable Conditions
Food quality & Safety
Health Promotion & Education for NCD’s
Institutional Screening for NCD’s
Workplace Health & Safety
Reduce The Burden Of Violence And Injuries
Health Promotion and education on violence / injuries
Management for injuries
OPD/Accident and Emergency
Pre hospital Care
Minimize Exposure To Health Risk Factors
Health Promotion including health Education
Micronutrient deficiency control
Physical activity
Sexual education
Substance abuse
Provide Essential Health Services
Accident and Emergency
Blood safety
Clinical Laboratory
Comprehensive youth friendly services
Emergency life support
General Outpatient
In Patient
Integrated MCH / Family Planning services
Newborn services
Operative surgical services
Palliative care
Reproductive health
Specialized clinics
Specialized laboratory
Specialized Therapies
Strengthen Collaboration with Health Related Sectors
Food fortification
Nutrition services
Pollution control
Population management
Road infrastructure and Transport
Safe water
Sanitation and hygiene
School health
Water and Sanitation Hygiene

Under Development!
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Under Development!
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Under Development!
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Under Development!
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Under Development!
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